One of the advantages of being a Silver Level Subscriber of The Netrix is that you get access to weekly live sessions with Craig over Zoom. These are called VMC's and stand for Virtual Magic Club. Every week Craig breaks down a particular aspect of magical performance. It could be a trick, a move, a genre or anything really. Regularly Craig is joined by special guests that talk about a specialist area of expertise.
Not only that but the sessions are recorded and dropped into your account if you are a Silver Level Subscriber. This means that if you cannot attend live you will still have access to all of the information and teachings. In addition when you subscribe at Silver Level you also get access to every single Virtual Magic Club that has taken place since The Netrix started. That's a lot of magic!
Below is a schedule of the VMC's that are taking place this month. If you are already a subscriber, check your emails or look in the Silver Level Community to get the links that you will need this month to attend.
The Virtual Magic Club is a massive part of being a Silver Level Subscriber of The Netrix so if you are free, please make sure you attend.
We will see you there!
VMC 118 - Q&A With Craig
Sunday 15th September - 10pm
Always one of the most popular VMC’s is of the month. In this Q&A, you can ask Craig anything about business or magic. Nothing is off the table you name it and we talk about it!
VMC 119 - Automating Your Business
Friday 20th September - 9pm
If you want to grow your business and get more bookings, the single most important thing is to develop automation that will allow you to spend less time on the sales and admin process. In this video Craig walks you through the automation within his business and how you can do the same in yours.
VMC 120 - Thumb Tip Masterclass
Sunday 22nd September - 10pm
Let’s be honest, the thumb tip is one of the oldest props in Magic. Unfortunately, it’s something that very few people use beyond just making a silk vanish. In this VMC Craig is going to show you several amazing uses of the thumb tip beyond just the standard routine.
VMC 121 - Sneak Peek of all of Craig’s 2024 magic releases
Sunday 29th September - 10pm
In this VMC Craig will go through all of the magic products that are likely to be released between now and the end of 2024. He’ll show you the trick and then even explain how it works. If you want to know what’s coming out between now and the end of the year this is a VMC you do not want to miss!