Over the last decade John has become one of the top creators of close up magic in the UK. He has published 8 books, released countless DVD Projects and Downloads.
He is very prolific however unlike a lot of creators his material is always super practical, workable and entertaining. You will not find an unworkable trick or routine on a John Carey project. Over the last few years John has jet setting throughout the world lecturing in literally dozens on countries and appeared at several high profile conventions.
He has successfully made a career out of creating magic. In this interview John talks about his career. He talks about how he started in magic and where his passion comes from. John then goes into the science of creating magic and how anyone can create magic.
Along the way he shares his thoughts on how to make a magic trick commercial. As well as all this John demonstrates some amazing card and coin magic that showcases the signature style that John has developed over the years.